Batman Beyond (Season 2, Episode 4) - Lost Soul

Robert Vance was a pioneer in digital technology and was the founder of Vance Technologies. When nature came knocking at his door, he created a computer program to digitize his computer brain impulses so that he can run his company even after his death. However, when his grandson Bobby Vance rebooted the program, the digital Robert Vance had other motives which were to find a new body, take control of his company and take control of Gotham City. Now Batman has to do whatever it takes to foil Vance’s plans and end the maniac for real.

Batman Beyond (Season 2, Episode 3) - Joyride

When a bunch of street punks get their hands on a highly classified military spacecraft, something with a flawed nuclear reactor, you can only expect one thing: chaos. So when jokers got hold of such a thing, Batman has to ensure that the Gotham City survives and has to do whatever it takes to shut that spacecraft off. But first, he has got to learn what he is dealing with.

Batman Beyond (Season 2, Episode 2) - Earth Mover

A strange muddy creature is terrorizing Terry’s friend. The thing has been constantly stalking her quite regularly, keeping a close eye on her. Now terry as Batman has to investigate the creature and has to stop it before it can do any harm to his friend. But most importantly, he has to find out the reason behind the existence of this creature.